Welcome to The Winsome Creationist, where we explore God’s world using a model-building approach, interact with a gracious tone, and take a firm stand on the literal truth of creation found in God’s Word. Join host Steve Schramm and occasional guests as they explore the mysteries and majesties from creation to the flood, babel to the cross, and everywhere in between.

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Does supernatural creation do away with the need for science?

In this episode, we examine the question of whether believing in supernatural creation does away with the need for science. Some argue that if God created the world mi...

Solving the Distant Starlight Problem for Creationists (w/ Ticho Tenev)

In this episode, I speak with computational engineer Dr. Ticho Tenev about his proposed solution to the distant starlight problem from a young earth creation perspecti...

The Beauty of God's Creation w/ Pat Mingarelli

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Winsome Creationist podcast. This week, we're revisiting an interview from the archive, featuring my friend Pat Mingarelli. ...

Todd Wood on Creationist Hyperevolution

In this episode of the Winsome Creationist, I discuss an article by Todd Wood titled "Give Me a Break - Ken Hams Hyper Evolution", which defends Ken Ham against the ac...

How to Become an Informed Young Age Creationist

Struggling to bridge the gap between creationist academics and everyday believers? In this episode of the Winsome Creationist podcast, Steve is joined by Zach Klein, a...

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