All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 53 of 53 in total

How does creation show me...?

Creationists have far too long been focused on the wrong questions. If we spend all of our time demanding answers from God, instead of openly exploring his creation, w...

Are we reading our ideas about Adam into Genesis?

Was Adam real or just an archetypal figure that we can refer to as a character of literature, but who never really lived? That question is at the forefront of many peo...

My Biggest Takeaways from the 2023 ICC

There is promising creation research happening across many disciplines, but more resources and education are needed to advance these fields further. I was encouraged b...

What Does "Stretching Out the Heavens" Mean in the Bible?

In this episode, I discuss the claim that distant starlight poses a problem for a young creationist view. I answer a listener's question about passages that say God "s...

Does supernatural creation do away with the need for science?

In this episode, we examine the question of whether believing in supernatural creation does away with the need for science. Some argue that if God created the world mi...

Solving the Distant Starlight Problem for Creationists (w/ Ticho Tenev)

In this episode, I speak with computational engineer Dr. Ticho Tenev about his proposed solution to the distant starlight problem from a young earth creation perspecti...

The Beauty of God's Creation w/ Pat Mingarelli

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Winsome Creationist podcast. This week, we're revisiting an interview from the archive, featuring my friend Pat Mingarelli. ...

Todd Wood on Creationist Hyperevolution

In this episode of the Winsome Creationist, I discuss an article by Todd Wood titled "Give Me a Break - Ken Hams Hyper Evolution", which defends Ken Ham against the ac...

How to Become an Informed Young Age Creationist

Struggling to bridge the gap between creationist academics and everyday believers? In this episode of the Winsome Creationist podcast, Steve is joined by Zach Klein, a...

Do Old Earth Creationists Hate God?

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of The Winsome Creationist Podcast. I truly appreciate your support and I hope you're enjoying these episodes as muc...

Should we care whether or not Adam was historical?

In this episode of the Winsome Creationist, we dive into the intriguing debate surrounding the historical figure of Adam. We discuss different perspectives on Adam's e...

A Surprising Look at Noah's Flood w/ Dr. Dustin Burlet

In the apologetics community, there's a lot of talk about the evidential aspects of Noah's flood. And in church, often the fact of God's judgment is emphasized. In thi...

Do ANE creation myths cast doubt on Genesis?

Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholarship has undergone a major shift in recent decades. More and more, we hear that the Bible was written by just another culture in the ...

A Way Forward for Creationists Who Disagree

Creationists are no strangers to disagreement. But what happens when disagreement turns to public denigration? This trend seems to be picking up in creationism, and I'...

The ADAM Framework

Have you ever been asked why you think creation is such a big deal? Why does it matter WHEN God created the universe? Does the age of the earth really matter at the en...

The connection between Genesis 6 and the Christmas story

Have you ever considered a linkage between the story of Christmas and Genesis 6? Likely not. But what if I told you there was an abundance of evidence that these event...

Creation and Christmas

The Christmas season is about far more than a baby in a manger. It's about the Second Person of the Trinity, taking on the form of human flesh. But of course, the Bibl...

Thoughts on "The Quest" by Dr. Todd Wood

Feeling a little under the weather this week, sorry y'all! In the meantime, here's an episode of The Bible Nerd podcast recorded a while back dealing with Todd Wood's ...

Genesis and God's Purposeful Design

God created this world with purpose and direction in mind. Despite what many critics say, this world was created for the glory of God and accomplishes those purposes. ...

A Biblically Faithful Approach to Dinosaurs (with Dr. Matt McLain)

Dinosaurs are seemingly the mascot of naturalistic evolutionism. It's hard for people to imagine how God could have created such creatures, never mind having created t...

The Current State of Creation Science Research (with Paul Garner)

Paul Garner wrote The New Creationism in 2009, explaining how creationists who've taken a "model-building" approach could explain many of the world's features. In this...

What does it mean to be a "winsome" creationist?

Hello and welcome to the FIRST-ever episode of The Winsome Creationist! In this episode, I give the background to the start of this podcast and explain what we'll be f...

The Winsome Creationist Teaser!

Something new is coming!

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